



The only problem that I had in this project was the lack of time and topic to write. I rarely have time to really sit down and think about an interesting topic to write. Most of the time when I was rushing to write something, I would just end up writing about my horrible week or homework from my other classes. I definitely need to work on setting aside some time from my schedule to really think about something interesting to write because I'm sure my friends will be bored reading my rambling about my homework or exams all the time.

But overall, this has been a great experience. I will definitely try to maintain this blog as long as possible after this class is over, even thought I'm not sure how often I'm going to update it since my schedule will get busier and busier next year.


1 件のコメント:

リン さんのコメント...

I hope you keep writing! 私はタンダーさんのブログを読むのが好きですよ!(: