




Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my speech because I wasn't expecting myself to be so fluent in delivering it. One thing that I didn't like was the conclusion part where I said something wrong and had a hard time repeating my sentence again. I guess it was because I memorized the speech too much that I relied on my memorization instead of knowing what I was supposed to say. I would definitely improve in that part so that if I accidentaly said something wrong I wouldn't stumble for the rest of the speech.

7 件のコメント:

Sato さんのコメント...




洪小彤 リリー・ホン Lily Hung さんのコメント...

タンダさんのスピーチはいいスピーチだと思います。そして、ポスターと写真を持て行ってから、もっと面白いですが、写真はちょっと小さいでした。次のスピーチの時、「手外」を作って、パスをするのほうがだと思います。明日はCCFの「大きいグルプ」ですから、来ませんですか。「大きいグルプ」は六時に二ょーカムホールの389です。スピーカーはアクツの10-11と「Salvation は何ですか」と言いますよ。そのアメリカ人のスピーカーはタイワンに十年住んでいましたから、中国語を話します。面白いでしょうか。

洪小彤 リリー・ホン Lily Hung さんのコメント...

手外=handout :p

ジャスティーナ・タンダー さんのコメント...


ケイトリン さんのコメント...

Great Job! I thought your speech was very interesting. I enjoyed hearing about where you are from. In terms of the content of your speech you used a lot of different sentence structures and vocabulary which is great. Like you mentioned in your own comments you did seem to slip up a little, but I am sure that was just do to nerves. You do seem a little nervous, which is okay because I’m pretty sure everyone was (I was shaking I was so nervous). Overall I thought that your speech was great. It was easy to follow and kept my interest which was part of the challenge. Great job!

キム-へイン さんのコメント...


クリストファー・ルイズ さんのコメント...


I believe you are rather fluent in pronunciation and idea flow. Everything worked in its particular order, and I think it was well presented. The little pauses for self-organization is perfectly natural; happens to the best of us! All in all, よかったですよ!